

Can't sleep? I was dreaming, mom. What about? Bicycle. Oh, that again, huh?

Dad, when can I get a bicycle? I don't know. We'll see. But you always say that.

Are you willing to earn it? Yeah. I'll do anything!

OK. You work really hard and save your money and you can have a bicycle. Thanks, dad. Mom, do you need to take out the trash? Not tonight, honey. You need to wait until the morning. And that doll of yours is looking awfully tired. Why don't you take it on up to bed, OK? OK. Good night.

Good night, honey. Come here, pooch.


Want some lemonade? It's only $0.10. Only $0.05! Can I buy one?


Dad, I finished hanging up the laundry. You did? Good job, Stacy. I have been saving all my money like you said. I didn't even buy a kitten that Jody Walsh was selling for only $0.05. Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Dad, do you think I have enough money to buy a bike? I think you've got enough to go look at one. Right now? This very second? Yes, please. Please. Please. Well, I guess we could go look at one. OK. Come on. Hold it. Hold it. Hurry. Hurry. Please, hurry. OK. OK. OK. Jess, we're going to the bike store. We'll be back in a half an hour.

This one, daddy. This is the one I want. Well, are you sure? Yes. That's a nice bike. Pink. It's pretty neat.

I'll never have enough to buy a bike, will I, daddy? Well, let's see how much money you have saved.

You're not going to have enough.

But I'll tell you what, you give me all that you have with a big hug and a kiss and the bike is yours. Really? Really.

Parable of the Bicycle

(Romans) Three segments illustrate how the Lord's grace can help us gain salvation, overcome trials, and receive His daily assistance. Segment 1 - Parable of the bicycle.

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