
The missionaries came to our class one day and they gave us each a Book of Mormon. They asked us to put our testimonies in the front and give it to one of our friends. The book probably sat my locker for a month. I was really afraid. I didn't know what to say. But there was Mark. So, I offered a silent prayer, and ask for courage to be able to just do it. And I stood up. And before I knew it, I handed it to him. I couldn't believe it. I was actually tell me about the Book of Mormon. I was acting like a missionary. He didn't say too much. He just kind of took the book and walked away. It was incredible. And I know without the Lord's help, I never would have been able to do it.

I was there the first time Mark every gave a prayer out loud. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if he'll be baptised, but if I hadn't have asked for strength that day, who knows when I would have shared the gospel with him.

I remember one day at school, I said something really rude to Diane about her clothes. It was really stupid. Sometimes I just can't believe the things I say and do, just to impress my friends. I know it's not right. So I prayed. I prayed for strength to help me change, and to do what I knew I had to do.

The apology wasn't easy. But without the Lord's help, I never could have done it.

Receiving Daily Assistance

(Romans) Three segments illustrate how the Lord's grace can help us gain salvation, overcome trials, and receive His daily assistance. Segment 3 - Receiving daily assistance.

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