
I once had an opportunity to tour a large cave. While there, the guy turned off the lights for a moment to demonstrate what it was like to be in total darkness. There's an amazing experience. I put my hand an inch from my eyes and could not see it. It was frightening in a way. I was relieved when the lights were turned back on. As light penetrates the darkness and makes physical things visible, so does the Holy Ghost penetrate the spiritual darkness that surrounds us and makes us a plainly visible spiritual thing. At once, we're hidden. The Apostle Paul taught that the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. I fear that some members of the Lord's Church live far beneath our privileges with regard to the gift of the Holy Ghost. Some are distracted by the things of the world that block out the influence of the Holy Ghost, preventing them from recognizing spiritual promptings. This is a noisy and busy world that we live in. Remember that being busy is not necessarily being spiritual. If we're not careful, the things of this world can crowd out the things of the Spirit. Some are spiritually dead and past feelings, because of their choices, do commit sin. Others simply hover in spiritual complacency, with no desire to rise above themselves and commune with the Infinite. If they open their hearts to the refining influence of this unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, a glorious new spiritual dimension would come to light. Their eyes would gaze upon a vista scarcely imaginable. They could know for themselves the things of the heart, of the Spirit, that are choice, precious, and capable of enlarging the soul, expanding the mind, and filling the heart with inexpressible joy.

Natural Man

(1 Corinthians 2:9-14) Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin says that the natural man will not receive the things of the spirit.

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