
I think often of another boy. We met him at a seminary graduation in a remote city in Argentina. He was clothed and well nourish. The students came down the aisle and up to the stand. There were three rather high steps, he could not make the first step because his legs were too short. He was a dwarf. It was then we noticed, marching behind him, two stalwart young men who stepped forward, one on either side and lifted him gracefully to the podium. When the service was over, they lifted him down again and then marched out with him. They were his friends and watched over him. This boy could not reach the first step without being lifted up by his friend. Those who come into the Church come as children spiritually. They need someone, some friend to lift them up. If we designed the steps after baptism to fit only those who have long strong legs, we ignore what the Lord said in the revelations. The apostle Paul wrote, I have fed you with milk and not with meat: for hitherto you're not able to bear it. neither yet are ye able. We must be careful lest we make that first step to high or design it for those with strong long legs and leave the others without someone, some friend to lift them up.

Fed With Milk

(1 Corinthians 3:1-15) President Boyd K. Packer talks about how we are rewarded for the work we do.

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