
The traditions or culture or way of life of a people inevitably include some practices that must be changed by those who wish to qualify for God's choicest blessings. Chastity is an example. Thou shalt not commit adultery, the Lord commanded from Sinai, and repeated in modern revelation. Flee fornication, the New Testament commands. Always, the prophets of God have condemned whoredoms, yet these eternal commands have frequently been ignored, opposed, or mocked by powerful traditions in many lands. This is especially visible today when the movies, magazines, and internet communications of one nation are instantly shared with many others. Sexual relations out of wedlock are tolerated or advocated by many. So is the rapidly expanding culture of pornography. All who have belonged to these cultures of sin must repent and change if they are to become the people of God, for he has warned that no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom.

Flee Fornication

(1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 18-20) Elder Dallin H. Oaks talks about how we should flee fornication.

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