
Revelation comes in an orderly way in the Church. We are entitled to personal revelation. However, unless we are set apart to some presiding office, we will not receive revelations concerning what others should do. Revelation in the Church comes to those who have been properly called, sustained, ordained, or set apart. The Bishop, for instance, will not receive any revelation concerning a neighboring ward because that's out of his jurisdiction. Occasionally, someone will claim to have received authority to teach and bless without having been called and set apart. That is why the process of sustaining those called to office is so carefully protected in the Church, that all might know who has authority to teach and to bless. An usual spiritual experience should not be regarded as a personal call to direct others. It is my conviction that experiences of a special, sacred nature are individual and should be kept to oneself. Few things disturb the channels of revelation quite so effectively as those who are misled and think themselves to be chosen to instruct others when they are not chosen.

The Second Coming Segment 2

(2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:3) Three general conference excerpts address modern-day issues concerning the Second Coming of the Savior. Segment 2 - Elder Boyd K. Packer.

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