
Lehi taught his son Jacob, "No flesh ... can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah." Jesus Christ possessed merits that no other being could possibly have. He was a God, Jehovah, before His birth in Bethlehem. His beloved Father not only gave Him His spirit body, but Jesus was His Only Begotten Son in the flesh. Our Master lived a perfect, sinless life and therefore was free from the demands of justice. His mercy pays our debt to justice when we repent and obey Him. Since with even our best efforts to obey His teachings we will still fall short, because of His grace we will be "saved, after all we can do."

Saved by the Merits of Christ

(2 Nephi 2:7-8) Elder Richard G. Scott talks about how we are saved through the merits of Christ.

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