
The Bible tells us how God made a covenant with Abraham and promised him that through him all "families" or "nations" of the earth would be blessed. What we call the Abrahamic covenant opens the door for God's choicest blessings to all of His children everywhere. The Bible teaches that "if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." The Book of Mormon promises that all who receive and act upon the Lord's invitation to "repent and believe in his Son" become "the covenant people of the Lord." This is a potent reminder that neither riches nor lineage nor any other privileges of birth should cause us to believe that we are "better one than another." Indeed, the Book of Mormon commands, "Ye shall not esteem one flesh above another, or one man shall not think himself above another."

Abrahamic Covenant

Elder Dallin H. Oaks speaks about the Abrahamic covenant.

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