
What does it mean to repent? We begin with a dictionary's definition that to repent it is "to turn from sin to feel sorrow and regret." To repent from sin is not easy. But the prize is worth the price. Repentance needs to be done one step at a time. Humble prayer will facilitate each essential step. As prerequisites to forgiveness, there must first be recognition, remorse, then confession. "By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins--behold, he will confess them and forsake them." Confession is to be made to the person who has been wronged. Confession should be sincere and not merely an admission of guilt after proof is evident. If many persons have been offended, confession should be made to all offended parties. Acts that may effect one's standing in the Church or the rights to its privileges should be confessed promptly to the bishop, whom the Lord has called as a common judge in Israel. The next step is restitution--to repair damage done--if possible. Then come steps to resolve to do better and refrain from relapse--to repent "with full purpose of heart." Thanks to the ransom paid by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, full forgiveness is given to the sinner who repents and remains free from sin. To the repentant soul, Isaiah said, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

God Forgives

(Mosiah 26:29–31) Elder Russell M. Nelson testifies that God forgives.

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