
The Bible and the Book of Mormon are both witnesses of Jesus Christ. They teach that He is the Son of God, that He lived an exemplary life, that He atoned for all mankind, that He died upon the cross and rose again as the resurrected Lord. They teach that He is the Savior of the world. Scriptural witnesses authenticate each other. This concept was explained long ago when a prophet wrote that the Book of Mormon was "written for the intent that ye may believe the Bible; and if ye believe the Bible ye will believe the Book of Mormon also." Each book refers to the other. Each book stands as evidence that God lives and speaks to His children by revelation to His prophets. Love for the Book of Mormon expands one's love for the Bible and vice versa.

Bible and Book of Mormon

(Mormon 7:8–10) Elder Russell M. Nelson talks about the Bible and the Book of Mormon as witnesses of Jesus Christ.

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