
-There is another and simpler test, that all who seek to know the truth might well take. It calls for us simply to read, ponder, and pray, all in the spirit of faith and with an open mind, to keep ourselves alert to the issues at hand as we do read, ponder, and pray. We should ask ourselves 1,000 times, "Could any man have written this book?" And it is absolutely guaranteed that sometime between the first and the thousandth time this question is asked, every sincere and genuine truth seeker will come to know by the power of the spirit that the Book of Mormon is true, that it is the mind and will and voice of the Lord to the whole world in our day.

Receiving a Testimony of the Book of Mormon, 2

(Moroni 10:4-5) Elder Bruce R. McConkie calls each of us to earnestly seek to know the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon

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