
[SPEAKING SPANISH] Today we're going to go do rescue visits for priesthood holders in our ward. It's part of our duties as priesthood holders to go and find the lost sheep. I feel like it's more like I promised my Heavenly Father before coming here that I would do my best to rescue these people. I feel that it's my duty as a priesthood holder to find those people who aren't here, to go and bring them. We have to keep our ranks strong and find all those youth that aren't here with us.

When they came to my door, I felt great. I felt, like, important, and it felt good. You haven't been coming for a long time, and we got a new (SPANISH). I want to give you this, man. OK? It's a new one, right? It's the new one, brand new. Right now we're going to go visit some people, and we wanted you to go with us. Are you available? Let's do it. And it's all about deep spiritual experiences that are everlasting, that are unique, and certainly very needed in our days with all the challenges that are out there in the world. Lot of prayer. It's been a difficult week. I can honestly say that I believe the adversary doesn't want us here. But I also believe that our Heavenly Father wants us here more.

There were times where we would discuss who we should visit, and sometimes we weren't, like, on the same page. But I felt that, like, as despair grew stronger with us, we started to be pointed in the same direction. And that was just a beautiful feeling, knowing that the Spirit could work through us like that. A little surprising today. Well, like 30 people just came up to my house. Happy inside knowing someone actually wants me to go to church.

It makes me want to go to church now.


Priesthood and Priesthood Keys - We Are Brothers

A quorum comes to understand what it means to hold priesthood keys as they reach out to fellow quorum members.

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