
You have to ask yourself, "What are you willing to do to have the Spirit in your home?" We had a bishop's youth discussion, and Bishop [? Art ?] challenged us to write something down on a piece of paper about some way we can make the home more of a holy place. It was kind of a big challenge. I didn't really know if I could do it. I had to do service around the home and do jobs when people weren't asking me to and, if they did, willingly. I didn't know about the challenge, but I think I noticed what Eden was doing because she ended up doing things that I would ordinarily be having to do. It felt like a huge relief because I was dreading doing the jobs, as well as just really pleased and happy that Eden was able to do that and she was thinking of someone else and noticed. Well, I think Eden is like a quiet achiever. She often does little things that you don't notice until later on. I decided that every time I got home from school--I usually just chucked my bag on the ground. But instead of that, I'd take my bag to my room, put it down, clean up my room if there was stuff on the ground, and then go do homework. I wasn't looking for anything that they were doing, and it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't had to get at him for picking up his stuff. And I realized I had been feeling calm. When I walk in the door, I'm not having to fall over his bag. At the time I was working on Personal Progress and integrity. One of the goals was to try and make family home evening a regular part of our family's week. So I decided to make this my goal. I think traditionally in the past, we've had tussles to get family home evening going sometimes, but when it's coming from your children, it really kind of changes the whole atmosphere that they want the Spirit. They want this family time together. The most rewarding part about this has been being able to see our families being strengthened and grow closer together. It let us be able to have more family time. I felt a lot more connected with my family during that month because we weren't arguing. We were always having fun. I felt the real power of a family and that Heavenly Father needed our family. Never underestimate yourself, you know? You can help those around you. As I've pondered about the importance of youth and what they can give, their strength and their power can lift you up and carry you along in your own responsibilities as a father and a husband. My kids inspire me to make changes in my life and to try harder.

I think that every time we make an effort to help each other, it's just another testimony of our love for each other. You have to ask yourself, "What are you willing to do to have the Spirit in your home?" I'll do whatever it takes to have the Spirit in the home.

My name is [? Hannah Ominde. ?] I'm Eden [? Ominde. ?] My name is Hunter [? Ominde. ?] And my home-- And my family-- And my home is my holy place.

Home and Family - Through Small Things

Challenged by their bishop, three youth learn what it takes to make their home a holy place.

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