
[MUSIC] I've had the opportunity to be here repeatedly over the past eight years. And I love most the people--their warmth, their genuineness, their eagerness to learn, and their faithfulness.

In the faces of the people, you see the countenance of the Savior. Have you received His image in your countenance? And many of these Saints have. It's reflected in their eyes, in their smiles, in their simple, sweet, earnest testimonies.

We've had a number of experiences on this trip where the people, in anticipation of gathering and worshipping, have prepared spiritually by fasting. You can tell the difference when you walk in the room. When you stand at that pulpit and look at that vast congregation of people so eager to learn and who face a variety of challenges in their lives, you can see nothing but good for the future of the Church in Mexico.

So what you have today in Mexico is a Church larger than the Church in all the world just 50 years ago. And from this particular place come very strong priesthood leaders, auxiliary leaders, family members. The influence that they have here with the rising generation, and as we see increasing numbers of these stalwart leaders blessing the Church in all the world, this becomes an important center of strength.

Today I learned that, as Elder Bednar said, we need to work one by one. And what we have learned is that, based on the examples that we are given by the Apostles, nothing is impossible. In every congregation, in every meeting, there is a spirit of authenticity and spiritual simplicity. These are people with remarkable faith. I think we should never give up on people. We all know someone in the Church that used to go to church, but now he is inactive and has drifted away completely. We can't give up. It is the joy of my life to devote full time and all my energy to bearing witness of the reality and the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His Father. I know and witness that They live. I've thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to be here in Mexico raising my voice, declaring that witness to the people here.

It is a good feeling to be able to work in the Lord's work, to be able to see each of the members in the wards that we go to--just as Elder Bednar said--"one by one." The Savior lives. I witness that He lives. It's evidenced in the lives of these people, and it's evidenced in the lives of faithful Latter-day Saints all over the world.

Unto All the World: Mexico

This video provides an inspiring look at Elder Bednar's recent experiences in Mexico ministering, teaching and meeting with the people of Mexico.

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