
We're actually very excited. So I just started my papers. Awesome. So I'm finishing. That's cool. Yes. When can you go? I turn 19 in April, so I'll finish out winter semester. When the age change happened, I remember talking to a friend. She was like, I wasn't really thinking about it before, but now I feel like I should be thinking about it. There's probably going to be a lot more sisters that serve. But you don't have to serve a mission to be a good person, right? I remember growing up, I always wanted to go foreign. But once I got my call, and I was like, San Diego? Then I was like OK, think about it. Like, why are you going on a mission? Uh-huh. You're not going-- if you want to go stuff, then go on a trip to Europe. Right. But if you honestly love the Lord and you want to love His people and serve a mission, then serve a mission. You get that name tag, and God expects you to be ready. Your investigators expect you to be ready. Your teacher expects you to be ready. Right. So use the time now. What steps did you take? To get ready? To prepare, yeah? I wish I'd prepared more than I did. Something that really did help me though was Scripture study. So I would actually study my Scriptures and preach my Gospel looking for answers. And I wish I'd started that earlier, because I started to trust Heavenly Father more as I did that. And then as I was out and about and I needed immediate answers, I knew I could ask Him. I knew He would answer them. I think that it's just important to recognize missions are about inviting others to come to Christ. Right. That's our purpose. And missions are incredible. And you change, and you grow. And you become so much more of a daughter of God, as you should be. But they're hard. And the more that you can prepare for them before hand, the better it is whenever you get there. Is there anything else you wish you would have done before? There's a lot of stuff I wish I would have done. And whenever I first got to the mission, my first transfer, I was put in a district that was going to be filmed. And I was brand new, right? And I was terrified. I was like, you cannot film me. I'm still learning all this stuff. And my mission president told me-- he promised me-- he said, if you want to learn it, you will. And so the next day, I remember sitting down at my desk, and opening Preach My Gospel, and being like, OK. I'm ready. And somehow I was able to remember stuff. I was able to apply it. I was able to understand. And it wasn't that I was a perfect Preach My Gospel missionary at all, or even that I understood all of it, but God makes up for where you lack. If you can have a solid testimony of the Savior and understand who He is, your life is going to be so much better. And you're going to be able to help a lot more people. What skills or other things did you learn on your mission that you think are helping you now, or will help you? I just think of the [INAUDIBLE] family. And I think of the experiences that my companion and I shared with them. And whenever you see someone go into the waters of baptism, you just get filled with love, you know. And I think you get like a little taste of what Heavenly Father feels about us. But to have that experience, you have to be ready. Internalize a love of the Gospel and understand why you're going on a mission.

Know Your Purpose

Two sisters, a returned missionary and a prospective missionary, discuss what preparation is necessary and helpful to be effective as representatives of the Lord to those seeking the truth.

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