
[MUSIC PLAYING] In eastern Europe, the members are focused on the things that matter at home--on following the Spirit, on learning the gospel, and on being examples in their lives. There is a sense that the family is what it should be--that is, the foundation of everything else. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] Family is so incredibly important. Without family, we can't grow; we really can't grow, and we can't perfect ourselves. Family is the most important thing we have in this world. It's what we live for.

[SPEAKING RUSSIAN] We got married in 2005, and after a year, my wife got pregnant and gave birth to our daughter.

My father wasn't able to see her. He died in 2006. When he was alive, Dad helped support me in my church attendance, but after he died, something just--I just stopped going to church very often.

[SPEAKING RUSSIAN] Not long ago, I decided I would definitely go to the temple this year. And I told Carlos, "No matter what, I am going to the temple." [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] I also wanted to go, but I wasn't really going to church. It was hard for me. I felt that I wasn't worthy, and I just kept putting it off.

[SPEAKING RUSSIAN] Then one day, our fasting and prayers were answered.

Heavenly Father showed Carlos, through a dream, what would happen if he didn't change his life.

[SPEAKING RUSSIAN] It was about 3:00 in the morning. We prayed together, and I said to her that it's time to go to the temple, that we need to prepare, that I wanted to be with my family for eternity. The Lord's love is infinite, and so each one is known to Him. Each one is infinitely precious to Him. Each one can pray and be recognized and have the answer to their prayer from a loving Father. After going to the temple, we see each other differently, we know each other more fully, and we want to know each other better. I love you very much. I love you too.

Carlos and Ludmilla's Story

Carlos and Ludmilla's Story.

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