
So Sarah, tell me, the way you talk about God sounds like He has a body like one of us. I've never heard of someone thinking like that. Why do you Mormons believe that? Um, well-- well, we believe that because in Genesis chapter 1, verses 26 and 27, it says that "God created man in his own image." And so we believe that God has a body of flesh and bone, just like we do. And you believe that? I do. I know it to be true. You believe everything you read from that book? We believe that the book is the word of God, and so, yeah. Do you all believe that? Yes. Yeah. Hey, you ready to go? Yeah, let's go. Hey, I've heard about that book before. Is it your Bible?

Well-- Have you ever been in situations like those? They can be a little nerve-wracking. In these moments, we need to remember what it says in the scriptures, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." We learn from the scriptures that before we share his gospel, we must first obtain His word, and that we must first treasure up in our minds continually the words of life. If we do that, notice the promise to us when we find ourselves in these situations. "And it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." We are promised that we will be able to say what is needed in these moments. You're right. We need to be prepared for these situations. The Lord promises that our mouths will be filled with right things to say by the power of the Spirit if we first fill our minds by gaining an understanding and knowledge of key scriptures and basic doctrines of the gospel by study and by faith. There are many opportunities for youth today to obtain and treasure His word. Seminaries and Institutes of Religion has selected 25 scripture mastery passages for each of the four seminary courses. These passages provide an important scriptural foundation for understanding and sharing the gospel, and for strengthening faith. Seminary students are encouraged to develop a mastery of these passages. To master these key scriptures, it means that you can locate the particular scripture by knowing the associated scriptural references. It means that you understand the context and content of the scripture passages and can apply the gospel principles and doctrines taught in these scripture passages. Additionally, part of mastering these key scriptures is working to memorize the scriptures. Working on key scripture mastery in online seminary occurs right after the devotional. In other activities, we'll work on understanding the content and context of the scriptures so we can know why each one is important and why it has been selected as one of the 25 chosen for the book of study. We'll also learn how each key scripture can be applied in our lives today. Seminaries and Institutes of Religion has provided additional tools that will help master these key scriptures. One thing we want you to notice is that each of the key scriptures that you will be studying in seminary coincide with one of the basic doctrines that you will study in the Sunday School and the Young Men/Young Women curriculum. In Sunday school and Young Men/Young Women, you will be studying one of those basic doctrines each month. In seminary, we study the scriptures in a sequential manner, from the first page to the last, not just gospel topics. When we come to one of these key scriptures, we will stop to really study and understand the importance of that scripture in helping us understand the basic doctrine. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Master Key Scripture Passages and Basic Doctrines

The importance of mastering key scripture passages so you can strengthen your testimony and share the gospel with those around you.

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