
A writing activity looks like this on your course home page. You will use a writing activity whenever you are asked to answer a question in your own words.

To get to where you type in your answer, click on the Add submission button. Then, after you have written a thoughtful answer to the question, click on the Save changes button. When you click on Save changes, you have saved your work. However, you have not yet submitted your work. If you needed to, you could close out of the activity and come back to work on it later. To go back and pick up where you left off, all you would need to do is click on the Edit my submission button, and your work would reappear. After you are done writing your response, and if you are satisfied with your answer, you will need to submit it for review. To send it to be reviewed, click on the Submit assignment button. After you click Submit assignment, this screen asks you if you are sure that's what you want to do. Click Continue. You will then see a status report. This summary shows that you have submitted your work, but in this case it has not been graded. After your work has been reviewed and graded, you will see a green bar with the word "Graded." The yellow highlighted portion shows how your work was scored. On the right-hand side, you can see the comments that have been made. These comments relate to each of the guidelines used to evaluate your work. Read these comments carefully! This is one way that you can learn from your teacher. The feedback you receive will help you feel the Spirit about what you are learning and improve your future efforts to explain and share the gospel. Now you are ready to do your first writing activity.

Completing Writing Activities

How to complete writing activities in online seminary.

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