
In this video you will learn how you can send and receive messages through the online site. As we begin, though, there are a few important things to remember. First, please use the online message system to communicate with each other instead of personal email. Second, please keep all conversations and messages in line with the For the Strength of Youth standards. Talk and type about things that are uplifting and that will invite the Spirit into your seminary day. There are several ways you can see if you have received any messages. First, in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, a pop-up notification will appear when you log in to tell you if you have a message. To see the remainder of the message, you can click on the Go to messages link that shows up in the box. If you have received more than one message, a little notification pops up and says you have received some new messages. A good idea might be to open a new tab for the messages you want to read. This will allow you to stay on your course home page while going to read the messages in a separate tab in the browser. To do so, right-click and select Open link in new tab. Notice that when you open the messages in a new tab, this creates a new page with a tab in your browser so you can read through those messages. You can easily switch between the tabs and close a tab to go back to your course home page. In addition to the message notification that appears when you log in, there are two other places where you can see if you have received messages. First, look on the message block on the right side of the screen or in the dock. If you have a message, there will be a little envelope with the name of the person it is from next to the envelope. You will also see how many messages are waiting. If you click on the envelope, it will take you to the message page. So let's click on any one of these places that says Messages or Go to message and see what is there. This is the message page. Notice on the left-hand side you can see a list of online or offline contacts, as well as a way to access all the contacts in your class. When you click on the name of one of your contacts, on the right-hand side of the screen you can see the conversation that has taken place between you and the person you have messaged. The messages are listed in chronological order. You can see what has been said back and forth. You can also click on All messages to see every message that has been sent back and forth, or you can review only the most recent messages sent. By each individual name on the left-hand side, where it says Contacts, the red X allows you to delete a contact, the circle with a line through it means you can block a contact, or, if you click on the piece of paper with the green plus sign, you can look at the message history. This includes all of the messages that have been sent between you and that particular person. So how do you really send a message? When you come to the message page, click on the person's name here in the left-hand column. All of the messages will appear on the right-hand side. If you would like to send a new message, you can type where it says Message and then click on Send message. As soon as you have sent the message, the page will refresh and you will be able to see the message you have typed on the right-hand side. There are other ways to get to this page when you want to send a specific message to someone who might not be in your contacts. You can click on Participants to get to the list of participants in your class. Then, when you click on the name of a student, you will see their whole profile. Below the picture of that person on their profile page, there is a Send message link. If you click on that, it will take you to the message page for that person. You can type a message and send it to them. Here you can add contacts to your online seminary site list. Notice the top picture. You can click the search button, and it will bring up a field where you can type in last names or first names of people you would like to add. You can type the name of someone you know in your class. For example, I typed in the last name Smith. If I click the plus button, it will cause them to appear in my list of contacts on the left-hand side. One additional way to find people that you might want to add to your contacts is to click on the drop-down box on the left-hand side. It will bring up several options, including My contacts, Recent conversations, Recent notifications, and your class name. If you click on your class name, it will bring up a list on the left-hand side of everyone in your class. Then you can choose to send them a message.

Using the Messaging System

How to send and receive messages through the online site.

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