

People who say they do not have a place to put their food storage, is, you need to rethink your house. We have a very small house. It is, like, 940 square feet. And we wanted to follow the commandments and get our food storage. We didn't know where we'd put it, so we just put it in our front room when we'd get it. And after that we'd find space where we were going to put it. We have some under my daughter's bed, under our bed, in the closet, under the dressers. We have real furniture; we've moved past the point of wanting furniture made out of cans. So we had to find places that were inconspicuous, that when people come to visit us, they don't see our food storage. But we know it's there. If you're going to have food storage, you don't want to have something occur and you have all this food you have to eat that you've never eaten before. And so we are able to rotate our food storage by--I regularly use it in meals I cook. I've really been working on getting recipes that my family enjoys to eat. So if there were something to occur, whether a loss of a job or a catastrophe, I'm able to make meals that we make regularly all the time. It gives you a sense of peace when you have all of your food storage. I've had situations--well, of course, with the economy, not knowing, job-wise. Thankfully, my husband's been able to keep his job, but there were times when we weren't sure what would be the outcome in months ahead. And it gave me a great peace knowing that we would be able to eat and, with finance stored up too, that we'd be able to survive. If you're going to do food storage, just do it. Don't start thinking about it too much, because there's always things that are going to get in the way. There's always reasons you shouldn't do it if you start making checklists. If you want to follow the prophet, just do it.

Family Home Storage – Meet Maureen

Maureen discusses how she uses her food storage regularly in the family diet and the peace that comes from following the Prophet's inspired counsel to be prepared.

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