
Our brothers and sisters, we welcome you to this worldwide leadership training. We are honored to participate at the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I'm joined by Elder Ronald A. Rasband, senior President of the Seventies Quorum, and our Presiding Bishop, Bishop Gary E. Stevenson. The First Presidency have asked us to introduce the various sections of this training to you, and we are honored to be with you today. We have chosen to be here at the foot of the Christus statue here on Temple Square in Salt Lake City because all that we're going to present to you today is focused on strengthening the family and the Church through the priesthood. The principles taught in this training are intended to strengthen individuals as well as families, including young single adults and single members who have not yet had the opportunity to marry and those who are widowed or divorced. All sons and daughters of God will be blessed if they follow the teachings and examples of these presentations. We also emphasize the special contribution of faithful women who may not have children at this time. We know that Heavenly Father's daughters have divinely given gifts to serve, love, teach, and nurture His children. Truly, all of the blessings of the priesthood can come to His faithful children because of our Savior's Atonement. You know, Elder Ballard, one can't stand in this room, really, without feeling of the magnificence and the glory of the Atonement. And that leads us to these principles of the gospel that we all know and love so dearly. First of all, that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father and we have a way to return to that loving Heavenly Father, and that is through our faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. This also leads us to the priesthood. The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. And it is through this priesthood that the heavens and earth were created and are governed. Elder Ballard, being in this magnificent room, I think of Book of Mormon prophets who taught that God's plan was a plan of happiness and that we are here on God's creation, this beautiful earth, to be happy, to enjoy our families and our children, and to have the great blessing of following our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavily Father's plan. And what a marvelous blessing it is that we have the sure knowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ, in the presence of our Heavenly Father, visited the boy prophet Joseph Smith and, over a period of time, restored the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. And that's what we're going to be talking about, and the power of that priesthood and what it can do to assist everyone in the Church, and particularly to strengthen the families and strengthen the Church itself. So now we ask you to come and follow us as we follow the Savior. And we'll begin with a wonderful presentation on the keys of the holy priesthood under the direction of Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

The Power of God

The Savior is central to the plan of happiness; He works by the power of the priesthood; the priesthood has been restored.

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