
The preparation of future missionaries begins in the family. Each home can become a miniature missionary training center. With the option that young men and women may serve full-time missions at an earlier age, parents and teachers need to prepare their children earlier. Nothing is more important for future missionaries than to feel the righteous influence of the priesthood in their homes and to experience its blessings in their lives. After they are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, young men honor and exercise the Aaronic Priesthood. Young women know their values and pursue their personal progress. Our youth learn, teach, and live the gospel and become converted. They may participate in family history work and perform vicarious ordinances in the temple. As they continue along the strait and narrow path, worthy men receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. Righteous men and women may be endowed, sealed in the temple. And as faithful fathers and mothers, they raise faithful families. Through it all, they become exemplary men and women, real servants of the Lord, prepared to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ by precept and example throughout their mortal lives.

Preparing Future Missionaries

Elder Nelson teaches about the in-home preparation of future missionaries and how that is affected by the change in age requirements announced by President Monson in the October 2012 general conference.

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