Throughout this video clip, look for how Brother Waldron helps his students understand and apply some of the Basic Doctrines by asking effective questions about the scripture mastery verses Moroni 10:4-5. Has everyone got Moroni 10:4-5? Everyone turn there. And Beth, would you mind reading the scripture verses 4 and 5 for us. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." I want you all to look at the verse there, particularly toward the end. How could you use this scripture to teach someone about the role the Holy Ghost plays in the Godhead? Or, what is the role of the Holy Ghost in this particular verse? The Holy Ghost reveals truth to us. Good. Did everyone see that? The Holy Ghost reveals truth. What's the word that's actually used? Manifest. He will manifest. Do you know what the word manifest means? To show plainly or to reveal. Tell me, what kinds of truths can the Holy Ghost reveal to us? Specifically look in verse 5.
Topher? All things. All things, right? Everything. So we're going to make a list of some of those truths. We know the Holy Ghost can reveal any truth--all truths--to us. We're going to get specific about maybe some of the truths that you feel would be really important for a teenager to know. And again, we can generalize and say all truth is important for everyone to know. But if you can think specifically, what truths might be really important for a teenager to know? That we're children of God. Wonderful. Sarah? That the Church is true. Okay. Jaden? I'd say repentance and the Atonement, because sometimes I feel like there's no way back, because I've done something. Justin? I think the Book of Mormon, because most teenagers are like, I don't want to read scriptures; that's really boring, so they need to know that it's true for them to want to read it. Morgan, do you want to follow up on that? We had a speaker talk in sacrament meeting on Sunday about the Book of Mormon specifically and how it's the keystone of our Church. So, like Justin said, we as teenagers need to know that it's true, because if the Book of Mormon isn't true, then nothing else is true. Or if we twist it, if the Book of Mormon is true, then? Everything else is true. Okay, good.
I think that if everybody knew that everything was going to be fine because Heavenly Father has a purpose for everything so that, everybody won't just know that everything's going to be fine no matter what happens. There is a plan and a purpose.
Family is forever. Family is forever. I'll put that up here.
What will an understanding and knowledge that the Holy Ghost can reveal these truths that you've listed give an individual courage to go do? I've always thought it's interesting that in here it says, "ask if this is not true." So when reading the Book of Mormon, you just know that it's true when you read it. It's just manifested throughout the whole thing. And so asking if it's not true, I just think that's interesting. So since you're on the Book of Mormon, if you believe the Holy Ghost can reveal that truth to you, what might it motivate a teenager to go do? Read it. To go read it. I think it helps the youth have something to stand for because whenever you stand for righteous, people always ask why do you do that. And then you can say that you know why you're doing it, instead of just it's because my parents told me. You know that it's because the gospel is true. And you know that these guidelines are through revelation. On the family is forever one, one of my friend's dad died just two weeks ago. And he's not a member of the Church. And it was really hard for him to come to the realization that his dad was gone. He's on my soccer team. And I just sat down with him and explained to him what I knew about how families are forever and that if he tried, he would be able to see him one day again. What do you suppose your friend would need to do to uncover that particular truth? I talked to him about coming to Church. He just lives far away from me, and so it would be hard for him to come all the way up just to go to my church. So I asked him if he would go to his church. He had thought about it before that. And he's even considering it even more now. Excellent, good for you. Thank you for sharing that. What role has the Holy Ghost played in your understanding or testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon?
So many times in my life it has been in sharing my testimony that I gain it. And I think that's a pattern that we'll find often in this life. But my friend who is not a member of this faith, who I felt very strongly to share a Book of Mormon with, I just had the most awesome experience with her. The day that I decided to give it to her, and I put it in her hands, I just said, so I don't know if you want to read this, but this is the Book of Mormon. This is what we believe in. This is what I've been telling you about. And she just looked up at me, and she said, I will read it. And I was just so taken aback because I just thought it was going to be one of those things that was brushed off. And she said that she'd been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and she just really wanted to read this book. Because I was brave enough to act upon those promptings, that revelation that I've received from the Holy Spirit, the knowledge that I have that our Church is true and that the Book of Mormon is true, I've just found so much more strength in my testimony because of it. She's going to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon the same way that all of us do--by reading it. And the Holy Ghost can reveal to her the same thing that it's revealed to us. How has knowing the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon given you more confidence in the scriptures during times of need in your life? In class, when they teach the theory of evolution and stuff like that, we don't really believe in that as the Church and stuff. But when they do teach you that, it makes you want to conform and believe what they're believing, because everyone's believing that. But you can challenge that in your mind, especially with the Book of Mormon and stuff and say, well, that's not the same as what I believe in. Yeah, you can teach it, but I'm not going to conform. Wonderful, thank you.
I think if you've read through it a bunch of times and know that it's true, that you can, if you're struggling, you can go to where you have read, you know where parts are and you can go to that certain part where there might be an example of something that's going on in your life and how they dealt with it. And you can use that as an example of what you should do in your life. So if you've read it and you know it's true, then you can certainly say, I know they've had this experience. I want to go to here and review it so that I can get strength to deal with this. If the Book of Mormon is not true, then it's just a bunch of stories--great stories--but a bunch of stories. But knowing that the Book of Mormon is true, we see that all of these people are examples of righteousness, and lack thereof in certain cases, but we see the power that people can have with the word of God on their side. Wonderful, very well said. Let me have you think about this for a minute. When has your personal testimony or you knowing the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon helped you or given you an opportunity to bless someone else's life because you knew it was true? My cousin, her family is not active. None of them are active. And it's really hard for her to get to Church. But in the very beginning, she was kind of anti, and she wouldn't listen to me. And I would say I wear this because I want to be modest. And she asked me one time, Hannah, why are you so happy?
Why are you always so happy? I said, it's this book. It's the Book of Mormon, Brittany. And she's like, how can a book mean that much to a person? And I challenged her to read it. And she came to me maybe a week later. She had read it in a week. It took me a lot longer to read it than a week. And she's like, Hannah, it's true. It's so true. I see it. And it makes sense to me. Now, she is unbelievable. She is such a light to her friends. And because I talked to her to read this one book, she now has her medallion; she has honor beads. She is just a light to everyone around her. That's a great example; that's a perfect example. Okay, here's how we're going to conclude. If you'll pull out your journals--scripture journals.
Now, we only wrote six of these on the board. There's lots of others, so you don't have to confine yourself to the six on the board. But I want to give you just a couple minutes to think of a truth that's either listed on the board or others that have been unstated that you personally would like to gain a testimony of or a stronger testimony of. And then commit to writing that down and asking God for a revelation from the Holy Ghost of that particular principle.
All the truths of the gospel that I know to be true, sooner or later I had to get a revelation from the Holy Ghost in one form or another. And so I just want to bear witness of the principle that the Holy Ghost can reveal truth to us. And as we go to Heavenly Father in prayer, that the Holy Ghost certainly will do that for you as well and any truth that you're trying to discover.