
[MUSIC PLAYING] At the beginning of class, I passed out to you a page from Preach My Gospel. This is on page 107, and all it is is a list of questions, gospel questions and life questions that people all over the world might have. So I want you guys to pull this out and look at it. And as a group, as groups of three, I want you guys to pick the top three questions you think youth your age, people in your high school, might have about the gospel. I think one of the more inspirational quotes is "Where can I find peace and joy?" I think instead of "Does God answer prayers?" it's "How does God answer prayers?" OK, so it sounds like you guys had some great ideas. Let's wrap it up and combine our ideas. And also, while you're telling us, explain why you think that those questions are important for youth your age. Girls, do you want to start? We picked "Does God know me?" This is a good question just because God knows who you are. He made you, so of course He's going to love you for that. When they said the question about "Does God know me?" it fit in with our question of "What is the purpose of life?" because so many teenagers nowadays, they don't know who they are and they don't know what they want to be or what they're expected to do with their life. And how will that make youth your age feel when they have that direction? When someone finds out what they want to be and what their purpose is and how they can fit in, their confidence seems to boost. They know what they want to be. And they're happy with it. They become settled and balanced. I like that because they're not just floating through life anymore. They have a purpose of what they want to do. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Preparing Youth to Discuss

Watch how the youth are prepared to participate in a discussion about answering gospel questions.

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