
[MUSIC PLAYING] Abby, will you read the question that's on the board? "Why is it important to study the scriptures?" OK, thank you. I want you all to think about this question as we watch this next video. And this is a video about some youth in Europe that are sharing their experiences about reading the scriptures. And each of you has this little piece of paper. On the plain white side, I'd like you just to write down some things that you hear or the subtitles of things that you read with the video about why the scriptures were important to them. And then I'll ask if you would just share some of the things that you've learned, thinking about why it's important to study the scriptures. Can everyone see it OK? OK. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] -If you've not read the Book of Mormon, read it. So we've heard from our prophet, we heard from President Eyring, and we heard from some youth in Europe of reasons why the scriptures are important to them or how they can be important to you. Does anyone want to share any of the things that they wrote down? Ellie, and then we'll hear from Abby. I think that he said it was a compass, and it's helping you get through these really hard days, because we're having so many trials pushed on us, and we just really need to read the scriptures to help us get through. I wrote, "What God says to you." And I really like how they said that because we need to read the scriptures because it's God speaking to us. I like the fact that that one girl--she was sitting on a bench--and she wanted to find the truth for herself. And I think that's all we all need to do, is, don't believe what other people say when you know we have the scriptures to find the truth for yourself. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Watching a Video

Notice what this teacher does to encourage these young women to participate while watching a video.

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