
I have some little colored circles in this bowl. We're going to go around, and we'll each pick a colored circle. And what I'd like you to do is, for the part of the plan of salvation up there that is the same color, I'd like you to answer the question "What difference does it make in your life, knowing what you know about that part of the plan of salvation?" I know that I want to be one of the spirits in spirit paradise so that I can teach them, the other spirits that haven't had the chance to accept the gospel. So I try to lead my life in that direction. What difference does it make in your life, knowing what decision you made in the premortal life? I know I made a good decision because I'm here fulfilling my covenants to Heavenly Father. And I know He's doing the right thing for me, and I know I'm doing the right thing for Him. This activity gave them the opportunity to share their thoughts and to look for inspiration, and the opportunity to listen for promptings from the Spirit on what to say.

Personalizing Gospel Doctrines

Look for how this teacher provides an opportunity for each young man to personalize a gospel doctrine.

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