
So I was called with another leader and we were called to be the activity day leaders in our ward.

When activity days first started. They were. There was almost no one there.

We found that we just had maybe three or four girls consistently coming each time to the activities.

We always have the very strong impression that Heavenly Father was aware of all of the young ladies that were within our stewardship,

and we felt to reach out and draw them in.

And it was a rescue effort in a way. We just needed to find them and bring them in. So we began doing that. Going to the doorstep and asking someone to come.

It was a little I was a little nervous at first.

But once I got to do it a few more times , it became easier to do. The first time I could remember for standing on the doorstep,

I was really scared.

We would encourage them to decide who is going to talk and think about what they were going to say. And as leaders, we stepped away and we let the girls invite one another.

And the impact of that, I think, was significant.

I'm grateful that they just let us they let us do most of it.

They helped us. It was it was really a miraculous thing to be a part of and to see. And we grew that group of three or four girls.

We finally had to split our activity date group because our list was about 25. And we'd really like to see you there.

Be lots of fun. The experience of inviting the girls really made me feel the spirit. Because when you. Like that one scripture. It says, when you're in the service of your fellow beings, you're only in the service of your God. It really makes you feel good. I've been rejected a couple of times, so I know it's nothing to fear.

It's easier and more fun now that I actually get to see that they're actually coming and having a good time.

I was surprised at how capable they were and how courageous

and prepared they already were to do the work. The Lord had already done the work in their hearts and they were ready. All that they needed from us as leaders was an invitation and an opportunity to move forward with the feelings that they already had.

So we always had a list of the activities with phone numbers, a description of the activity locations. I think it's important to Heavenly Father that we invite people to activity days because we're helping them know that they're loved and that Heavenly Father doesn't just care about the people that go to church. They cares about everyone.

My friend and I invited to Activity Days. She her family didn't come to church and I don't she didn't have any sisters. So I think it was nice for her to come and be with girls and it was a good influence.

In planning activity days.

We had to take a different approach because we had a great deal of diversity in experience, in background, in family situations,

in religious practices. We found that we did a lot of simplifying

and that worked wonders. One of our activities that we did was a heart attack.

We would cut out hearts in all different shapes and sizes and colors and decorate them.

And we gathered the girls together and we talked about all of the wonderful people in the neighborhood.

We would write messages on the heart for the heart attack and they would say, Just thinking of you or have a great day or just We're glad that we know you. You tiptoe and you go quietly up to the door because you want to make it a surprise.

And you take a few girls with you and you stick them all over the door.

Then someone will stay behind and they'll ring the doorbell and then everyone will finish. That was always my favorite part.

It was so much fun to see all the people looking at all the notes.

One of the girls who was one of our neighborhood friends said,

This was my favorite activity. I wish we could do this every time I love this.

They know that I'm doing things for him that help more people interact with the church.

And in the spirit that came every time, just there was a spirit of friendship,

of love, of acceptance and adoration and a spirit of fun. And the girls loved it. And they they had a desire to continue building on those feelings that they had.

Activity Day Rescuers

Video segment shown during Primary Leadership Training broadcast.