
[MUSIC PLAYING] It all starts with love. We hope that all the people in the Church will be able to have that sublime experience of doing temple ordinance work for their own people.

The semester had just started at school, and I was on my way to work. I noticed, as I got on the freeway, that there had been a traffic accident. And I drove on past, not thinking too much of it, but had an unsettling feeling. So I got off at the next exit, turned around, and came and parked my car and then ran across the freeway. And there he was in his bright red jacket, in the driver's seat. He was unconscious. Highway patrol came right up to me and asked, "Were you family?" And I said, "Yeah, that's my son." Bryce was an honorable young man. He came home from his mission, and he was on his way to his first day of school. He was excited. He never did regain consciousness, so we didn't get to talk to him at all. I felt kind of helpless. It has been an amazing journey since Bryce has been gone. Right after we came home, everyone that was there said, "Let's go to the temple." The peace and the healing began immediately. It's been a great reminder of our purpose as a family as we have gone to the temple. We never really connected, until Bryce was gone, how much those that have gone before us are involved in our life. Now nearly every time we go to the temple, we're able to take names of family members. It just has so much more significance because we feel their love. So that's probably my favorite part of the temple because I have felt so many times the joy that I know they are feeling. Just knowing that there's a connection there, the promises in the temple have so much more meaning when you consider who you're doing the work for. It's a witness to me of our Father in Heaven's love for His children. And I feel, in some way, it's an opportunity for me to express my love to my Father in Heaven and my family by regularly going to the temple to do the work that is being done there. I think that's the highlight of our whole life, is to see how we're progressing as individuals, as families, and we're working together and encouraging one another. Enduring in faith will allow us to have that great blessing of life eternal with our Heavenly Father, with the Lord Jesus Christ, and with our families and loved ones, never to be separated from them. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Unto All the World: Finding Peace in Temple Work

"It all starts with love," states Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles relative to the service families perform in the temple for their own ancestors.

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