
An unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for missionary work is sweeping the entire earth. Since President Monson's historic announcement last October, thousands of elders, sisters, and couples have been called, and many more are preparing. [MUSIC PLAYING] To be good missionaries, whether it's serving a full-time mission or whether it's just in our wards, wherever we are, we need to share the gospel, share what we believe.

All we need to do to be a missionary is to live our lives and to open our mouths.

Missionary work is all about having the right attitude. Anyone can be a missionary. They just have to start now. I was blessed to receive a call from the prophet of God, and I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to be serving the people of Brazil. Like Lucas, I feel that it's important for me to prepare to serve a mission, because I really want to be worthy and be able to go. It's you yourself who has to first gain a strong testimony of the truth. On a mission, you're not going to say, "I know that my mom knows that this is true." It's all about what you know to be true. Together, members and missionaries invite all to learn of God, of Jesus Christ, and His gospel. Each inquiring individual should seek earnestly and pray fervently for the assurance that these things are true. The truth will be manifest by the power of the Holy Ghost. It's completely natural to be a bit nervous, a bit anxious about sharing the gospel with others, sharing your testimony. But the most important thing is to just do it. I try to look for missionary experiences that I can have in daily life, because it not only helps you learn and get comfortable talking about things that you believe in and know, but also other people that might be struggling. One important thing is to know how happy our Father in Heaven will be when we share our testimony with His children, because as you share that testimony, it will start to grow and it will become stronger. And it is then that the gospel will be natural to you and you'll be able to share it with anyone at any moment. Your exemplary lives will attract the interest of your friends and neighbors. Be ready to give an answer to those who ask why you live as you do. I just think that I could be changing someone's life, because they could accept it, you know? And that could be a huge difference. The more I talked with people, the more I shared just the simple things about the Church, the more I was able to gain that missionary spirit of wanting everybody I meet to have that same joy and happiness that I have in my life because of the gospel. May we catch this wave and fulfill the Lord's command to take the gospel to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. Anybody has the ability to do missionary work. It's just that first step. Once you engage in a conversation, that's the hardest part. Just after you take that first step, the Lord kind of reveals what you can say to the person you're talking to. No matter what your age, you can still be a missionary. Missionary work is just sharing the gospel. You've just got to have faith and believe that you can do tremendous things. And so we, as members of the Church and as disciples and examples of Christ, should not be bashful about the knowledge that we know that this Church is true. We need to stand up and share our testimonies and our knowledge of the truth of this gospel with those around us. [MUSIC - "CALLED TO SERVE"]

Missionary Mindset

Each member can do missionary work in his or her circumstances.

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