
[MUSIC PLAYING] There is an important principle of faith that has guided the life of our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. He has said, wishing will not make it so. The Lord expects our action. Our third story emphasizes this teaching very well. It begins with Bishop Rodney Kelly, who felt the need to help his word to take action.

A couple of things were on my mind. Number one, we were having a terrible time having baptisms in our ward. They were very low. There is very little missionary contact going on. And we were looking for a way to make some changes there. And that just naturally happened when we realized that the Lord would not bless us with new converts until we took care of the people in our ward that we already had. So we went and found them. And things started happening in our work. After a while, things were happening so fast and so many times, I often remarked to my counselors that I came out of curiosity just to see what was going to happen next. Because it was literally that way. People were coming in the door who had not been through the door. And they're still coming through the door. Bishop, when he first started off, as people came in, he'd write their names down. And so, he'd keep a list of all the people who were in the [? sacrament ?] meeting. And then he could compare that to the list of people that he was hoping would come to [? sacrament ?] meeting that Sunday, and he'd notice who wasn't there. And then immediately after the three hour block, he had a standing ward council meeting. And what he would do is he'd take this list of people that he expected to see in [? sacrament ?] meeting and didn't come. He'd take this list, and he'd say, OK, here's the people that we need to go check on this week. And he'd just write a name on a three by five card, and he'd hand it out. We just kept persistently going back. And eventually, we made contact with people. So it let those folks know that we were interested in them, and we wanted them to come back. It was an organized effort to find the lost sheep, whether they have been lost for years, or they've only been away for a few months. Everyone was looking. And as everyone looks, everyone will find. There's more love in our ward. Our people honestly care for each other. They look out for each other's interests. They socialize one with another, whereas before, not so much. It started with Bishop Kelly coming right here where I am sitting on Tuesdays and Thursday nights. And as a shepherd of the flock of the Lord Jesus Christ said, I don't know where this sheep is, but I've got to find out, and inviting people in the name of the Savior to come home.

Anxiously Engaged: Acting in the Lord\'s Service

We do not need, nor should we wait for, an assignment to invite our nonmember family, friends, and neighbors to participate in the gospel of Jesus Christ.