
Under the Lord's plan, those who have responsibility to select officers are governed by one overriding question: "Whom would the Lord have?" There is quiet and thoughtful deliberation. And there is much of prayer to receive the confirmation of the Holy Spirit that the choice is correct. In filling that vacancy, each member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve was at liberty to make suggestions. I am confident that in every case, there was solemn and earnest prayer. A choice was then made by the Presidency, again after solemn and serious prayer. This choice was sustained by the Council of the Twelve. Today the membership of the Church in conference assembled has sustained that choice. I give you my testimony that the impression to call Brother Hales to this high and sacred office came by the Holy Spirit, by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Brother Hales did not suggest his own name. His name was suggested by the Spirit.

How Apostles Are Called

President Hinckley states that modern-day Apostles are chosen by revelation from the Spirit, and do not put themselves forward.

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