

In today's difficult world, with increasing conflict and alluring temptations, Father in Heaven wants each of us to enjoy peace and happiness. I will illustrate the wrong way and then the proper way using an analogy to rock climbing. There are those who attempt to scale a difficult rock cliff by a method called "free soloing." They ascend alone, without equipment, companions, or any secure protection. They depend on their own skill and capacity. They do it for the thrill of living on the edge with high risk. They are like many who face the challenges and the temptations of life without the security of following the commandments of God, guided by the Holy Spirit.

In today's difficult world they will almost surely violate critical laws, with painful, destructive consequences. Do not "solo" in life. You will almost certainly fall into transgression.

There is a safer way to rock climb. While technical rock climbing appears to be risky and dangerous, precautions assure an exhilarating experience, safely accomplished by following correct principles. When a pair of climbers tackles a difficult ascent, the leader scales a wall, placing anchors a few feet apart. His rope is linked to the anchor by a carabiner. They have planned a route and determined how they will work together. When the leader scales far enough and finds a convenient place that is very safe, he belays while taking up the rope as the second follows the "pitch" or length of rope that has been extended. The process is then repeated.

Let the Savior be your "lead" in life. His laws are absolutely secure anchors of protection that dispel fear and assure success in an otherwise dangerous world. True and enduring happiness, with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the greatest difficulties, will come as you center your life in Jesus Christ. Obedience to His teachings provides a secure ascent in the journey of life. The secure anchors of His laws will assure safety and success as you scale the challenges you will face. Yours will be a life of peace and happiness crowned with exaltation in the celestial kingdom of God. [MUSIC PLAYING]

A Secure Anchor

Just like rock climbing alone can be dangerous, living your life without the help of the Savior can have disastrous consequences.

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