
These are some of the pictures I made. This one is a big smiley face that says, "I love the temple." I would like to get sealed in the temple as a family. We're working really hard towards that goal. Being sealed together as a family really meant everything to Hannah. She prayed for it every night; she still does. With the two younger kids who aren't old enough to go to the temple prior to our family sealing, we'd like to get them involved in the family history. Every time we find a new person, another person, we'll all stumble on it together. The research that we've done, their participation in that gives them a sense of who they are and where they came from. Doing this work and going to the temple has taught me that Heavenly Father really wants all of His children back, not just ones that grew up in the Church and lived by the Church standards. He wants them all. I mean, that's just it. He wants His whole family, including me.

Hannah's been praying for a long time for our family to be sealed. And as she prayed, it blossomed in her brothers, who both started praying for the same thing. Prayer is very powerful. Know that if you pray with all your heart and you pray lots of times, it will come true.

Heavenly Father wants all of His children back, including me.

Including Me

This video shows how a little girl's prayers that her family would be sealed in the temple were answered.

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