

This is the Christmas season.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year because everyone likes to give presents to each other.

But some people think that Christmas has become too commercial. Some think that we have forgotten how to keep Christ in Christmas.


But it doesn't have to be that way. But it doesn't have to be that way! Thank you. [MUSIC PLAYING] This year for Christmas, I'm going to say "I'm sorry" more. This year for Christmas, I'm going to play with my kids more. I'm going to be nicer to my friends. And everyone else too. I'm going to share my lunch if someone is hungry. I'm going to visit people if they get sick in the hospital. I'm going to stop yelling at people when I'm driving. If someone is sad, I'll go be sad with them. If someone is fighting, I'll try to help them stop, and be nice. I'm going to stop sighing and rolling my eyes. This year I'm going to be nice to the shy guy at work. I'm going to help the old lady next door with her garden. I'm going to say nice things to people I don't know. I'm going to make cookies and give them away. I'm going to ask more people to play soccer. I'm going to ask people how they are doing, and then listen. I'm going to smile at people more. [MUSIC PLAYING - "SILENT NIGHT"]

We put Christ in Christmas when we give the gifts He wants us to give: the gift of ourselves. [MUSIC PLAYING - "SILENT NIGHT"]

The Reason Behind Christmas

A Christmas angel, a grumpy old man, and an unusual Christmas pageant remind us all that amid the shopping and commercialism, there is a way to keep Christ in Christmas; by giving the gifts He want us to give.

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