
Missionary work and the work of salvation is going forward in a wonderful way. We're seeing in huge numbers people from all over the earth that are coming to the mountain of the Lord. And that's part of what was prophesied.

[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] One year and three months ago, I found two elders at the market. I told them they could visit me, but I wouldn't commit to anything. I could not decide to join the Church because I was still very tied to my own religion. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] I always felt some pain and anguish that my family would not join the Church.

[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] I felt such a special spirit with those elders, and then I told them that President Villamizar was my son. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We were like, "Wow. The mission president's mom is not a member of the Church." We treated her like any investigator who had nothing to do with the president, because she said she didn't want to do this for her son but for herself. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] I wanted to feel for myself that I should accept the Church. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We mostly left them alone because we didn't want her to feel pressured. We were surprised by her progress. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] One night I thought, "If I already have a beautiful testimony because of my son's example, his life, and I know Jesus Christ lives, that the Book of Mormon is true, so why can't I feel a confirmation?" So I prayed. I fasted with the elders.

When we humble ourselves and seek answers like Sister Gladys did, the Lord does His part. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] I felt like I was betraying my old religion, but I was entering a new one that I knew was true. I realized we all worship the same God. So I thought, "I am not betraying anyone because I am still with my God in this Church." Then I told the elders, "I feel it. It is time for me to be baptized, because I feel it in my heart." [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Many times on my mission, I saw the hand of Jesus Christ. Sister Gladys's baptism was no exception. It was a miracle. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] It was so beautiful. The moment I was in the baptismal font, I felt like I was floating. It was incredible. I've been to the temple to receive my endowment, and I've done more than 92 baptisms for the dead. I've been counting. I really know that the Church is true. I have such great faith that God is with me and that if I do my part, He will always be with me.

I can and do bear witness that Jesus Christ lives and He guides this Church. What's really, really important is to have the gospel and to have the blessings of the temple and to know that you can be reunited with your family, with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Unto All the World: Gladys Villamizar's Story

When missionaries met Gladys Villamizar in a Venezuelan marketplace, she invited them to come to her home and teach her the gospel. What they didn't know was that her son was their Mission President and she was not yet baptized.

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