
I think the unique thing about Peru is that they have a history that they understand--one that they're proud of. And so I think that that is very helpful to them in the sense of having a good feeling about themselves.

Father Lehi has great meaning here; it's powerful. The Book of Mormon is powerful. These people relate to the principles in the Book of Mormon because those teachings there can also be found, in many respects, in their own history. We visited 7 of the 12 missions here--very impressive, very strong. The Peruvian, the South American, the Latino missionaries are coming along very well. And the tremendous increase in the number of 19-year-old young women has resulted in a significant increase in the MTC here. And that probably is going to continue. I think "the work is being hastened" are the right words, and we're seeing that. We had a devotional for the adults, and we told them that they and the ward councils, they're going to have to help the missionaries get the teaching opportunities that they need. I thought the response was remarkable. [SPEAKING SPANISH] After the missionaries gave me the first discussion, I got baptized within a month. And it has been such a great blessing for me because I know that I have changed. If I'm on a bus or in the street, people ask me, "What religion are you in?" And for me, it's a great joy to tell them, "I'm in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." I've had the opportunity to see many of my friends baptized, and despite my challenges and difficulties, I feel so happy to be in the Church. In our priesthood leadership conference yesterday, we had a chance to review how we are going to get a team effort in the wards to make missionary work and the work of salvation--in all aspects of it--move forward like we'd like it to. We just had a lot of the stake presidents and the bishops that were reflecting on that and excited about what that means. This union of new missionaries and members--I think that was the mission, to really convey that and teach that. And that's what I felt in almost every meeting--the hastening of the work, this increase from 58,000 missionaries to 75,000 last week and probably 85,000 by the end of the year. There has never been, in this dispensation or any other dispensation, anything like that. And to try and to convey that to these wonderful people, I felt like that was the main purpose of my keys during this particular trip.

Personally, having now been here several times, feeling the optimism and this sweetness, this wanting to be of service--you see it wherever you go. That is part of who they are. They love the temple. They recognize that what's really important is to have the gospel and to have the blessings of the temple and to know that you can be reunited with your family, with God the Father and Jesus Christ. I treasure the opportunity of being a witness of the Savior all over the world. I, with great confidence and because of spiritual experiences and because of the Holy Ghost, can testify that Jesus Christ lives and He guides this Church. And I love to tell that to the people.

Unto All the World: The Gospel in Peru

In a country rich in tradition and cultural heritage, Elder Quentin L. Cook visits Peru to share a message of love, hope, and inspiration as members and missionaries work together to spread the gospel message.

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