
[MUSIC] The Church in Peru, they love the temple. I think the challenges they've had, they recognize that what's really, really important is to have the gospel and to have the blessings of the temple and to know that you can be reunited with your family, with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

My name is Amalia Rivas, and I work in the temple every Friday. I joined the Church in 1990. When the missionaries came, I felt such joy because I had been seeking the will of the Lord. And now here I am.

I went to the hospital because I had kidney stones. For some reason I had a bad feeling about the operation.

Afterwards, the doctor told me that they had made a mistake and now they would have to amputate my leg. My daughters were out in the hallway crying. It was very painful for me. But I just sang hymns and trusted in the Lord.

And that's when my real conversion began. I was able to read the Book of Mormon and find out what the Lord wanted from me, because before, I trusted too much in the arm of flesh. This life is very happy for me. I may have lost something, but I gained something of much greater value. I came to know my Savior.

They said they needed temple workers, so I signed up. But then I said, "Well, Lord, now how will I get there?" I had a prosthetic leg. I had borrowed a walking cane. But to get up on the buses, sometimes I had to crawl. Because of this, often the buses would just pass me by. There was a sister who helped me get ready to ride the bus or taxi. She said, "You can do this. You can." I told her, "I know your words are inspired by God on high, and I can do this." For every sacrifice come great blessings.

I just feel so much joy to be able to serve in His holy temple. I go to the temple because that is where the Spirit of God dwells, so that the Lord will have mercy on my daughters, my sons, my family.

I go to the temple because I know that when we are faithful to the Lord, He will be faithful in blessing us, and I have a great testimony of that.

The one thing that has given me peace continuously is that I am able to bear witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ. The Savior's Atonement overcomes not only sin and death, but it does cover all of the heartache, all of the heartbreak, all of the unfairness of life. I feel a close relationship to the Savior. I so desperately want to be more like Him and want to accomplish what He would want to be accomplished. I can and do bear witness that Jesus Christ lives and guides this Church.


Unto All the World: Amalia Rivas' Story

Faced with the loss of her leg through a tragic accident, Amalia Rivas of Lima, Peru, found peace and comfort in the Savior's Atonement through forgiveness and love. Now, she spends each Friday serving in the Lima Peru Temple.

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