
[MUSIC PLAYING] All right, guys, I have some scriptures in this bowl. I'm going to pass it around. You can each grab a scripture and figure out what part of the plan of salvation that scripture is teaching us. Everyone, get your scriptures open.

Just read until you figure out what it's about. Yeah.

How are we doing, young men?

So I've got 2 Nephi 2:22-25. And I think it has to do with the Fall, and we can learn from it. I think the prophets have a creative way of putting things into words. It's good for us to read that and put it in a visual because we can all have it in our minds and then start connecting things. And I think it just helps, combining those two. I think that it was nice to have everyone give their own point of view. And then, when we each were able to turn to that scripture, we were able to read over it, and everyone was able to give their thoughts, and we were all able to learn from it. I gave them the opportunity to teach the rest of the class what they learned from that scripture. I think that was a great opportunity for them to teach on their own. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Teach Each Other from the Scriptures

Watch how this teacher helps the young men teach each other what they learn from the scriptures.

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