
All right, young men. We have a bunch of papers here on the board. So I'd like you to grab these papers, take them up to the board, and you're going to work together. You're going to talk to each other. You're going to figure out where these things go. OK? Let's just put them up, and then we can see how to work with them. Well, yeah, Creation can go over here. Let's see. But maybe we should put it over here. And then the Fall? Does the Fall? Yeah, the Fall can go right there, then. OK. I think we're good. Yeah? All right. Good job. That's excellent. OK. All right. Let's talk about this, guys. What did we build? The plan of salvation. The plan of salvation. Well, I think visuals always help to see the whole picture. Having something to look at really helps deepen your understanding of it. Having a visual just helps you think about it because if you can all work together to make a visual, you can all have the same visual and all be thinking similar thoughts. It doesn't place someone else's ideas directly into your mind. You have to search for your own understanding of what's being taught. Whenever I can see something, it makes it a lot easier for me to understand rather than if somebody is just describing it to me.

Using Visual Aids

Notice how this teacher encourages the young men to be actively involved in using visual aids.

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