
[MUSIC PLAYING] I have some questions. When you pick one of the questions, someone else is going to get your same question, so you need to be able to get it and find the other person. And then I want you to move so that you are sitting next to the person who has your same question. [READING QUESTIONS OUT LOUD] Who has "How can we follow Sister Hales's example?" That's [INAUDIBLE]. Awesome.

How is our spirituality affected by the way [INAUDIBLE] we manage our money? Try and help others with their money and not just spend it on things that don't really matter, because-- Yeah, not get in debt over dumb things, and put away your tithing because blessings come from that. That's right. Are you guys good? Tell us what you have learned. I really like looking at the scriptures because, not just imagining the rock as the debt, you could actually see how he put it and you want to get rid of the rock as well. You don't want to just be sitting there holding onto it. So it helps to have the structure and the rock. If we're knowledgeable in how we're going to use our money and where we're going to spend it, then we're not going to get ourselves into that situation. Perfect. What other kind of insights? Let's just open it up. What other kind of insights did you get as you taught? Well, I was the one with "avoiding debt," and I really liked the part where it said, "Discipline yourself and your purchases." And it reminded me of a quote that I have, and it says, "Strong men give up what they want now for what they want most." So like Sister Hales said, she wanted that dress, but she didn't want to give up that want for what she needed later. When you had pairs of youth talking, you had more ideas coming from that, whereas if I had just stood up at the front and asked a question and waited for an answer, which is what we've typically done in the past, we'd get maybe one answer, maybe two. And this way, we got a lot of answers from all the youth. So we are left with a stronger testimony and a stronger resolve to go do what we're here to do than anything that I could have said. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Discussing Questions

Notice what the teacher does to involve all of the youth in discussion questions about the gospel.

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