
[MUSIC PLAYING] -Here in Europe, as we do everywhere in the world, we have a whole tsunami of new missionaries. We're going through a period much like what occurred when President Spencer W Kimball, in 1974, gave that marvelous discourse on When Shall The World Be Converted and part of the curtain that young missionaries ought to be called from every country. Well now, we have another prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, that said, "Lowers the age, from 19 to 18 for young men, and from 21 to 19 for young women, and we have the greatest number of missionaries in the world today in the history of the Church. So everywhere we go in the world, we are challenging the ward councils and the local priesthood leaders to use those missionaries to build the kingdom, and they are pushing the work forward in the Europe area in a very impressive way. [MUSIC PLAYING]

[MUSIC PLAYING] -The Church in the United Kingdom already started in Preston. There was an introduction and an opportunity for Joseph Fielding with Heber C. Kimble to go to Vaux Hall Chapel, there in Preston. And the first baptisms occurred, I think, either the second or the third day, after they arrived there, and they baptized in the River Ribble. And that was the beginning of a tremendous influx of the faithful, wonderful, common people of-- primarily Great Britain and Scandinavia in those early days. Today, we have access to airplanes, freeways, automobiles. Technology has made it possible for The Message of the Restoration to be declared all over the world, but you got to remember, everywhere in the world, secularism is growing rapidly. People aren't even thinking about God. In fact, there are those who would like to shut down what Heber C. Kimble shouted from the rooftops in 1837. So I think that missionaries have to be more bold, you have to open your mouth. You have to talk to people. You have to know the message well enough that you can engage people in conversation, and you have to find, find through your own labors every day. Presidents, Sisters, welcome to the Annual Seminar For Mission President of the Europe Area. -A Mission President Seminar is an annual gathering of the mission presidents in an area. We learn from them what the real challenges are, especially with absorbing the large numbers of missionaries. We're all concerned about how well the increased number of missionaries are put to work. -There's no question that this great response of our wonderful youth puts a great responsibility now upon the membership of the church. We all have to rally around this great work now. We all have to be missionaries. We have to reach out and talk to our friends and our neighbors and assist the missionaries to keep them busy teaching. -People sometimes say, "When will the second coming occur? When will all of this be over? My message to you is that it like we still have a lot of work to do. The Lord has need of everyone and I saw people who are doing their part in a very impressive way in England and Germany and France, and when you're involved in the work of the Lord, the power behind you is always greater than the obstacles before you. -I know Jesus is the Christ. This is his work and he'll bless us in accomplishing it, and bear that testimony and witness to you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Unto All The World: Hastening the Work in Europe

Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visit Europe to help an influx of new missionaries hasten the work of salvation.

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