

Alive. Constant. Kind. Friend. Charity. Redeemer. I know He is the one true example of love. And He, He is my best friend. And I know that He loves me and knows me as an individual.

To come unto Christ means-- Promising to always remember Him. Trying to understand who He is and what He did for us. Being obedient to what He teaches. Act in a way that He would be pleased. It's worth it to come unto Christ. It always is. The more I learn of Christ, the more perfect person I can become.

I don't listen to gossip. I don't partake in it. I try to show respect for myself. Unclean media can be dangerous. Just set your boundaries and don't cross them. I think denying ungodliness is denying worldliness. A couple years ago I wasn't the most popular, and some kids picked on me. But I just try to keep a positive attitude that it doesn't matter what they think. It matters what my Heavenly Father thinks about me, and that's what I care about. I choose to be a friend. I choose to live by my standards. I choose to be clean.

I choose to be kind-- Even though sometimes I don't feel like it. I choose to serve-- And help make other people's lives better. The more I pray and the more I study about Him-- The easier it is to love others and to treat them respectfully. I feel His love when I am showing my love to others. I love my family more than anything. We have this gospel to be together as a family forever. Even though I'm not quite a missionary yet, I always try to-- Share the gospel with others and let Christ's light shine through me.

Grace is forgiveness. Grace is a gift that we have been given through His Atonement. So I can repent and I can always try again. Trials come into our lives sometimes to help us remember the power of Jesus Christ. "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; ... that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." We don't have to go through anything alone. He will console you in your afflictions. And He will plead your cause.

I'm not perfect. We each make mistakes so often. It's hard sometimes. Sometimes it feels lonely. The only chance we ever have of being as perfect as He was is-- Through His Atonement. It's a process. It doesn't happen right away. I choose to try. I choose to take His name upon me. Because He loves me. Because He loves all of us.

I believe in Jesus Christ. I see God's influence in everything. I know that no matter what the trial may be, that I can always rely on Him because He has a perfect understanding of what I'm feeling. I know He is alive. I know He is constant. I know He is kind. And with Him-- All things are possible. What will you do to come unto Him? To come unto Christ? [MUSIC PLAYING]

Come with Us

Youth from around the world share what this year's theme means to them and what they are doing to “Come unto Christ.”

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