
[MUSIC PLAYING] -Africa is very diverse. It's very complex. And the Church here will grow rapidly, more rapidly than we anticipate or can really even imagine, and it will be paralleled with even greater strength. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING]

-Growing up as a young man, I had two goals that I had for myself. I wanted to be educated and to be able to look after my family, and also I wanted to get married, and have children. I was blessed with both goals, and I decided to move to Pretoria for the better job. -It was very difficult. It was a challenging time when we arrived in Pretoria. We saw this beautiful house that we wanted to buy, and we paid for the deposit and everything. Two days before the end of the month, the agent told us the place is no longer available.

-We had lots of challenges, and I had challenges even at work. And then I've asked myself, what is going wrong? What am I doing wrong? With all this happening, the challenges that we had. We were invited to various churches. And we went to these various churches, and we felt not part of those churches. We decided we're not going to go to any church because clearly there's something that we're doing wrong or there's something that goes once from us. We decided we're going to just take the Bible. -In the month of February, we started reading, and we went back to Leviticus, the story of Moses passing to Joshua. We read and we prayed about it, and still we couldn't get some answers of the things that we're happening. Why so many misfortunes? Why so many challenges at the younger age? Why so many things couldn't make sense? The missionaires knocked on our door on the first of May.

-When I heard about Joseph Smith, I could relate to him in those stories because of the things that happened to us. Being-- going through these various changes. And then they started teaching about the Restoration, and then they taught us also about the plan of Salvation. Oh, that was great. That one, that's what made me-- I felt this is the right decision.

-When they took us through the plan of Salvation, we understood most things we answered, most things were clear. We knew that the plan of Salvation is telling us. We had to express all those things, so that we can be stronger, so that we-- we are prepared to receive the Gospel. -I said to my wife, "Now we've finally changed. -We knew from that moment, that it was God's plan, that we have to experience those challenges in order to find him, in order to come to him. Should we have received the beautiful house that we wanted, would not have met the missionaries. -It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth in its fullness in these last days. That I know, and of that I am a witness, and so declare in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Unto All The World: The Sam Family Story

Unto All The World: The Sam Family Story

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