

-I don't think any of us can deny that when we speak of hastening the work, that won't ever be any more true, couldn't be more true anywhere than it's going to be in Asia.

-When we arrived in Taiwan, and we knew that we needed to content some less active members. So at that time, I got a worklist. We don't know anybody. I just randomly picked somebody, and I believe Heavenly Father is in it. [MUSIC PLAYING]

-[NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] -I was very surprised to receive a phone call from the missionaries, but I decided to try again and see if the church was right for me after all. So I gladly invited Brother and Sister Garnett into my home. -When we arrived, she looked at us, and she was surprised to see two older missionaries. In her mind, all the missionaries are young and she was very receptive, and we treated her as if she were a friend. -At first it was unfamiliar. I had forgotten almost everything. But when they started teaching me the doctrines, little by little, I began to remember. -She had a lot of challenges. She didn't feel the sense of belonging after she attended church a couple times. -We got to a point where we felt like we couldn't progress much further beyond where we were, and we needed to get the ward more involved. -[NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] -Brother and Sister Garnett gave me her name. They told me she was baptized seven years ago, but had become inactive. I prayed very hard about the matter, hoping to receive direction from the Lord. It was Sister Yang that came to my mind at that time. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] -When we first visited, I was a little nervous because I didn't know the sister. We didn't know that she was in poor health. My companion and I have both suffered from major illnesses. So we encouraged her through our experiences. After our first visit, we noticed that Sister Sun became more cheerful and bright. She also became more active.

-I felt really warm. They saw me as their family. -I feel strongly about my calling as a visiting teacher and work very hard at it. After I met Sister Sun, I believe she would agree that I sincerely wanted to be her friend. [MUSIC PLAYING]

-Before, I did not know why this church was true or why everyone said that in their testimonies on Sunday. I realize now that if we follow the prophet, we will be blessed in every aspect of our daily lives, and we will receive great help. Now, I truly understand why this church is true.

-I think it would be impossible to not grasp, not feel that there is a great work unfolding in Asia, and I'm privileged to have some little assignment to be part of. it. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Unto All The World: Zhu-Ching Sun's Story

Through the diligent efforts of Senior Missionaries and visiting teachers, Sister Zhu-Ching Sun returns to activity deeply converted to living the Doctrine of Christ.

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