

I don't think any of us can deny that when we speak of hastening the work, that won't ever be any more true, couldn't be more true anywhere, than it's going to be in Asia. The Spirit of the Lord is brooding over this vast continent and subcontinent and these attendant islands of the sea.

In one way they're pioneering because the Church is still new, however old we are--as old as 65, in the case of Hong Kong. Pioneering Christianity and pioneering the Church of Jesus Christ, that's something that every one of us participate in.

Temples and temple work and family-sealed relationships are more natural, I would say, in Asia than anywhere on this planet. [SPEAKING CHINESE] I need to meet God's expectation to become a good husband and a good father at home. Family relationships are the center of the gospel. If there is a good family relationship when I am fulfilling my responsibilities as a father and as a husband, there will be more warmth and harmony in the home. I've never been in a meeting where there were better questions asked than in Taiwan. And that, for me, just instinctively, just immediately suggests the maturity of the Church. Those priesthood leaders were the equal of anything that you'd find in the Church: experienced men, returned missionaries, second, third, and fourth generation. That's a peaceful thought; that's a reassuring thought for those of us who now have some responsibility.

We work at saving souls one individual at a time: one baptism here, one family there, and somebody off to the temple. Ere long, that's the way the Church grows. And that's what's happening in India. It is such a bright, bright future. I think that's much of the emotion that I felt this morning, looking out over that mature audience, seasoned members of the Church just acting like members of the Church have always acted, here in far-off India, where we haven't been very long. I've been blessed to come to see my daughters go on a mission and one being married in the temple, and my son is preparing to go on a mission. And my next future, my next plan is that I will go with my wife on a mission. So there are so much blessings that I cannot express. This is a stone cut out of a mountain without hands--majestic stone rolling forward among the most populous geography in the world. And our children and our children's children will live to be as comfortable talking about the Church in Asia as they've been historically, traditionally, talking about it in Utah and Idaho and Arizona. What an exciting thought that is. What a new day that is. And I felt that Spirit on this trip. I feel it in my ministry. I have every confidence that God can do His own work.

Unto All The World: The Gospel in Asia

Elder Jeffery R. Holland, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shares with us how the Lord is hastening His work of salvation in beautiful Asia.

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