
As a little girl, I remember sitting around the table before school. Our family would read from the scriptures. And I remember hearing the story about Nephi and his brothers Laman and Lemuel and recognizing that I wanted to be more like Nephi because he was making good choices. And I did not want to be like Laman and Lemuel. I attended seminary, and that got me in that routine of reading from the scriptures on a daily basis. I think, as a mother, I've come to have more desire to turn to the scriptures. I can't do this by myself.

Each of my children have very different personalities. As a mother, however, it becomes challenging to realize that I can't use the same kind of discipline or teaching method with each of my children--that it needs to be adjusted based on their personalities and their individual needs. My oldest, he's an amazing boy. But we don't always see eye to eye, and I was discouraged with my relationship with him. And I wanted it to be just a greater sense of love between the two of us and maybe not so--butting heads. And I came to see the many examples of wonderful parenting that can be found in the scriptures. I recall reading about the relationship that Lehi has with his sons. He never gave up on his children, regardless of their choices. As I tried to apply the teachings that I was reading on how to love my child, I began to see a difference. And as I made those changes and I felt impressed, "Do this--this is the way that this child is going to receive love better," I feel like our relationship has improved. And that, for me, is so important in my role as a mother, because then that child will be more accepting of the teachings that I have for him. I've come to realize that little by little, as I strive to study in the scriptures, that I'm gaining a greater understanding and go from just, "I'm reading the scriptures," to really having them become more of a resource for the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christlike Motherhood—What Scriptures Mean to Me

A sister discusses the role the scriptures play as she strives to be a better mother; teaching and raising each of her children as Christ would want her to teach them.

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