
Welcome. We are grateful to be with you for this annual auxiliary training. I'm Sister Rosemary Wixom, the Primary general president. With me today are my counselors, Sister Jean Stevens and Sister Cheryl Esplin. We are so grateful to share this experience with you. We hope you've had the opportunity to review Part 1 of the training, which focuses on learning and teaching in the home and in the Church. Now let's be more specific and talk about learning and teaching in Primary. Think about the children in your Primary. Think about their strengths and their needs. Think about who they can become as we explore principles of teaching in the Savior's way. We hope you'll participate and enjoy this opportunity to learn together. We all know that when we do participate, it invites the Spirit. The Spirit is the real teacher. That's true. We love you. Do you have any idea how grateful we are for your service in Primary? When you are called to Primary, you receive a great gift. It's an opportunity to not only influence a child, but it's an opportunity to learn from a child. So as you gather today and as you consider the teaching and learning that happen in your individual Primary, may you feel the Lord's Spirit with you and know that we pray for you, we love you, and our hearts are with you as you serve the children all over the world.

Welcome: Annual Auxiliary Training: Primary

As Primary leaders and teachers work to improve learning and teaching in the lives of those they serve, they consider the opportunity they have to not only influence a child, but to learn from a child as they embark on the covenant path.

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