
We welcome you to the Young Women auxiliary training. We are the Young Women general presidency of the Church. I am Bonnie Oscarson, general president. This is my first counselor, Carol McConkie, and my second counsellor, Neill Marriott. Sisters, we want you to know that we love you very much and are extremely grateful to you for all that you do to love, to lift, and to bless the lives of our precious young women. You are remarkable. You strengthen the testimonies and the faith of our young women in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. You help prepare them to make and keep sacred covenants and to receive the ordinances of the temple. You are the Lord's agents, and you are on His errand. It is to you that the Lord declared, "Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Although I don't think camping in the rain sounds like a small thing. Thank you for your sweet, Christlike examples of love and for showing young women how to live the gospel and to keep the commandments of the Lord and the joy and the blessing of doing so, in such very happy ways. We hope that you've had the opportunity to watch the first part of the auxiliary training, which consists of two videos which are online. These are Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve, who is conducting a discussion in a council-like setting. And there are two parts. The first one is about teaching and learning in the home, and the second part focuses on teaching and learning in the Church. These two videos kind of set the tone, and they establish the vision and the focus that we hope that all members of the Church have on being effective learners and teachers, both in the home and at church. This training is to help stake and ward leaders better implement Come, Follow Me learning and teaching resources for youth and to better be able to teach in the Savior's way. We hope that this will be useful to you as you conduct stake auxiliary training and other training meetings that you have. Sisters, deeper conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ is the purpose of the Come, Follow Me curriculum. We invite you to participate fully in a teaching pattern that will powerfully bring this conversion into the lives of the young women. It contains only three simple parts: share, learn, live. Ideally, when the young women enter a classroom and get settled, the first thing the teacher would say is "Please share with me your experiences this past week in living the gospel." And then would ensue a testimony meeting, as it were, of the young women sharing their experiences in living a gospel principle the past week. The second part is to learn the doctrine, and that includes the scriptures, the words of the prophets, appropriate conference addresses that the girls get into, discuss with one another, share their feelings--how does it apply and relate to their own personal life? This understanding will enrich their conversion. And finally, the teacher, at the end of the lesson, would invite the young women to choose a principle, discussed in that lesson, to live for the week following. These young women might want to write it down. It makes it easier and more focused for them to remember during the week. And then the cycle would come back to the following Sunday, and the teacher would again invite them to share what their experiences had been that week previous as they lived that principle they chose. As they learn to put these principles into their life by sharing, learning, and living these principles, they will enrich and expand in their conversion to the Savior. Thank you, sisters. We would now like to invite you to participate in a powerful learning experience as you participate in this auxiliary training.

Welcome: Annual Auxiliary Training: Young Women

As young women and their leaders work together to improve learning and teaching in their lives, they consider ways to learn, live, and share the gospel which prepares them to make and keep sacred covenants and receive temple ordinances.

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