


My name is Sedrick Tshiambine. I live in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [MUSIC PLAYING]

[SPEAKING FRENCH] I'm a member of the LDS Church. I'm a branch missionary, a branch missionary at the village of Kupisanga. I need to prepare to go on a foreign mission. In order to go on the mission, I need a passport which now costs $250 US. [MUSIC PLAYING]

[SPEAKING FRENCH] To earn money, my father and I buy bananas. Some villages produce a lot of bananas-- Tshibobo, Lusuku, and Kamande.

Tshibobo is about nine miles from here. Lusuku is 18 miles. Kamanda is 18 as well. We go there and buy bananas, and we bring them back here to sell. To go to the village, we use a bicycle. We can take four or six bunches of bananas.

When I go by bike, it can take an hour and a half each way, if the bike is working, and I have the strength. [SPEAKING FRENCH]

When it is midday and the heat is oppressive, we move slowly, because of the heat and the sun. I can do two trips per day if I wake up very early in the morning. It is a good way to help pay for my passport.

Now I'm earning money, little by little, so I'm saving for both school expenses and the mission. [SPEAKING FRENCH] And now, after four years of work, I have enough money for my passport, plus $70 saved.

Sedrick’s Journey

A young man earns money for his mission by hauling bananas on his bike.

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