
[MUSIC PLAYING] In order to get an airplane off the grounds, you must create lift. In aerodynamics, lift happens when air passes over the wings of an airplane in such a way that the pressure underneath the wing is greater than the pressure above the wing. When the upward lift exceeds the downward pull of gravity, the plane rises from the ground and achieves flight. In a similar way, we can create lift in our spiritual life. When the force that is pushing us heavenward is greater than the temptations and distress that drag us downward, we can send and soar into the realm of the Spirit. Though there are many gospel principles that help us to achieve lift, I would like to focus on one in particular, prayer. Prayer is one of the principles of the Gospel that provides lift. Prayer has the power to elevate us from our worldly cares. Prayer can lift us up through clouds of despair or darkness into a bright and clear horizon. One of the greatest blessings, and privileges, and opportunities we have as children of our Heavenly Father is that we can communicate with Him through prayer. We can speak to Him of our life experiences, trials, and blessings. We can listen for and receive celestial guidance from the Holy Spirit at anytime, and at anyplace. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Creating Lift

President Uchtdorf discusses how prayer can help us achieve spiritual lift.

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